O.B.S. Value Proposition
Our value proposition is simple: clients who retain O.B.S. will systematically boost top line revenue via increased new name sales. We have many case studies to back this up (client anonymity notwithstanding, of course).
However, any practitioner in the field worth their salt will know this is far, far easier said than done.
The number of clients who have either retained multi-year engagement with O.B.S. or continue to come back to the table time and time again speaks for itself.
They are not doing this to humour us. They do so because we bring serious, relentless results to the table of the highest quality. The ability to do this time and time again is the key and is essentially our core IP.
Furthermore our commercial model, which is 100% T&M based (we seek no commissions as we supply a straightforward service which clients simply avail themselves of as and when they wish) makes the ROI of using O.B.S. remarkably compelling for clients.
One deal off the back of our efforts can pay for the O.B.S. investment many many times over.
Our track record, with due humility, both generally within the market and in working with many of the sector's most esteemed FinTechs speaks for itself.
Further information available on request.
Note: due to reasons of discretion and confidentiality O.B.S. does not advertise its clients. However references for prospective clients are available on request and when the timing is appropriate.